
Christopher Peyton



Hello! Thank you so much for taking an interest in our school! I’ve been teaching English in Japan for many years now, and it’s quite a wonderful experience. I’ve had the blessing of teaching all ages and levels in a variety of places all over the country. Starting this school has been like a dream come true. It’s great to have a career that allows me to express so many of my talents. The students are fantastic! I’ve been blessed to watch many students grow in their gifts in their years of English study. Some of them were just babies when they came here. Please feel free to ask any questions you have about me or this school! Thank you!

Claudia Stewart



My name is Claudia, I’m a new teacher excited to teach new students. I love to read, write, bake, and make arts and crafts!

Selma Alamanda Abadi




Sincere greetings to you, and thank you for taking interest in our school!
My name is Selm,a and I am from Indonesia. I have been living in Japan since 2019. Currently, I am a doctoral student at Kwansei Gakuin University. I spend a lot of my time ,reading and watching movies.
Teaching children is such a wonderful opportunity. I have so many younger cousins in Indonesia and I really love playing with them as well as encouraging them to learn something. By becoming an English teacher in Ark Academy, I will have the opportunity to redistribute my desire to interact and work with children!
At Ark Academy, our mission is to help children discover the joy of learning and develop a strong belief in their own ability to achieve their goals. It is my pleasure to educate them while having a fun experience. I am looking forward to seeing the children full of gladness and new knowledge. See you soon!

Ikuko Shimomura





Mayumi Hirano



Hello! My name is Mayumi. I’m a university graduate with a degree in sociology. I also have six years’ experience working for a trading company. However, because of my husband’s frequent transfers, I had to leave that company. After that, I had a variety of job experiences including teaching English at Jyuku or English conversation schools, and I discovered what I like the most is teaching English. Especially after returning from living in the U.S. for two years, I felt strongly that I wanted to teach English not only for language but also as a tool of communication.

I’m also the proud mother of a fifteen year old daughter, Saaya who is also on staff at Ark Academy. As for hobbies, I like playing the flute, traveling, and reading mystery books. It’s my pleasure to share my family’s experiences in Ark Academy.

みなさんこんにちは、眞由美です。私は大学(社会学専攻)を卒業後6年間商社で働いていました。しかし結婚後主人の転勤に伴い商社を退職、その後様々な職業( 塾講師や英会話学校を含む)を経験してきました。しかし一番好きなのは英語を教える事です。とりわけ3年間のアメリカ合衆国での生活を体験後、英語を単に語学(または受験の道具)として教えるのではなく,コミュニケーションの一部として教えていきたいという思いが強くなりました。


Hatsuho Peyton



Hello! I’m Hatsuho and I was born and raised in Japan. Actually, I’ve lived more than twelve years abroad in countries like Canada, China, India, and Egypt. I love teaching and working with children. I can’t wait to meet you soon at the school or around town!

こんにちは!私は初穂といいます。日本で生まれて、日本で育ちました。が、大学卒業後すぐ海外に渡ることになり、2007年に帰国しました。訪れた国は40カ国以上になりますが、一番長く住んだ国はカナダです。Wagon-Lit Travel のカイロ支店(エジプト)で通訳ガイド、カナダのL’Arche Community でハウスマネージャーの仕事などを経験しました。帰国後、西宮の自宅で英会話教室を開き、教える楽しさをその時学びました。
